I create spellbound books that
work for your intention.

We make this magic together
 3 Sessions &1 Spellbound Book from Your Book Witch

here's how it works

Gathering The Bones

During our fist call together, we greet & gather. Initiation energy is our main focus as you get settled into this creation process. We're culminating everything that has made you who you are and building the bones of your book out of your intentions. This is where the book magic takes shape.

Spell Weaving

Merry we meet again to alchemize your desired feelings that merge with beautiful design options. You get really clear about your desires here. A very juicy part of this journey unfolds in this call. With my guidance you choose your favorite design & then we both bring your book babe to life. 

Book Blessing

You've received and are holding on to your magical book, but we're not finished yet.
This circle remains open until
Your Book Witch guides you through a closing blessing- one that connects you and your journal together in a sacred  & special way.

And so it is!


Need a Witch to make a book just for you?
Look no further.

  Curious to know what
your magic book can do for you?

Your Book Witch's calendar:
>click here to schedule <

available artisan books located in catalogue